Reimagine the space

Discovery, Design, Space Planning, Manufacturing, Millwork, Logistics
Time line total from inception to completion – 14 weeks
North Carolina A&T Leadership, The University’s Executive Dinning Team, Auxiliary Services, Food Court Employees, Students, Architect
Universities have been a focus for SCI since our earliest days. We love the people involved in higher education, specifically the passion and focus they dedicate to students. We channel that passion and focus to create spaces students want. By mixing that drive and our capabilities, we’ve been able to be partners with over 100 colleges and universities.
North Carolina A&T has been a partner school since our first remodel at Williams Dining Hall in 2008. The school needed to reimagine the dining space to keep up with the local restaurants while still ensuring high participation for students on campus.
Working with a local design team and their executive dining staff, we developed a space plan, finish materials, and products to fit their needs.